“But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many.”
Romans 5 v. 15
It’s hardly a surprise that there’s much chaos in communities and our nation prior to a presidential election. One second of view of any campaign message of either candidate, is often filled with unpleasant name calling and horrible stances. These forms of behaviors can filter into some family dynamics—even those who are Christians. It is fairly obvious that there is no stopping these patterns, as unfortunate mutations continue to occur. What? Where? When? and not again! These are the words I find myself whispering under my breath when I am exposed to such untidiness of speech and actions.
Will this ever end?
Of course, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I know the answer to this question. Yet still I ask, when? I’m aware in my heart that this waiting is a spiritual practice bolstered by my growing maturity in Christ. This growth is constant, but sometimes feels stagnant. However, it is effervescent at times. Nonetheless, even in stagnation I am alive with hope and filled with grace. And, as best I know how to, I share this hope with those holding weary hearts. As I do the same for myself when I am down, lowly, and contrite in spirit.
Fatigue of the soul is sometimes self-inflicted when we make conscious decisions to go it alone. As a researcher and simple homesteader, I must come to kindly understand the importance of self-sufficiency, in the notion that there are things I must learn to do myself—for survival’s sake, I must! However, I’m also cognizant that it is only through the tender will of the Holy Spirit that I have come to figure out how to accomplish the many tasks I’m often up against. The sincere realization of my only dependence on our Heavenly Father, His son, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit, is embedded in a deep space of my being wherein I shelter. A place where I allow myself to sit– to sit with discernment as I permit time to experience and dissect the strain in my heart based on some earthly and confused societal claims. To sit and to learn!
Based on recent involvements, I have come to know that inflexibility and rigidity are not easy-going personality traits to lift. These characteristics are damaging—not only to the person who holds them, but likewise to those who must bear their fury. In addition, pliability is important for sweet soul qualities to thrive. But mostly, it opens our sometimes-closed hearts to really come to recognize Jesus as the person God wants us to grasp and hold on to ever so tightly.
“Have your heart right with Christ, and he will visit you often, and so turn weekdays into Sundays, meals into sacraments, homes into temples, and earth into heaven.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon
Having our hearts right with Christ means that no matter what is before us, we must allow our hearts to move from those trying circumstances, to change our passage directed only toward Him. This is the form of flexibility I refer to. The one that politely and so effortlessly takes us from weariness, despair, impatience, and into the direction of that utmost place of longing.
Relating to the verse above, an article I read a short time ago, said this:
“Mankind’s rebellion and disobedience to the covenant of works had devastating consequences. It not only negatively affected Adam and Eve, and their posterity, but their defiant behavior also resulted in a curse descending on all creation (Currid, 2020, pg. 99).”
The free gift of optimum grace God has given us through Jesus, is of such beauty, such elegance, and such brilliance! Even so, we must remember that the Apostle Paul abstains from saying that every person experiences this presently and will in eternity. Paul also reiterates that the “free gift is not like the trespass”, which clearly shows that although Adam is a type of Christ, based on his blatant disobedience, he is noted as being quite different from Christ. One man sinned and Jesus saved/s! Many have died because of Adam’s sin, but many have and continue to receive Jesus’ prolific grace!
Augustine of Hippo wrote this:
“The gift excels in two ways: first, because grace abounds much more in that it bestows eternal life even though death reigns in the temporal sphere because of the death of Adam, and second, because by condemnation of one sin, the death of many came about through Adam, whereas by forgiveness of many sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, grace has been given for eternal life.”
Sisters in Christ, how happy we are when we bathe our souls in His lavish grace! How still we become when we know this, embrace this, and when we allow wisdom to settle in our hearts. To always believe in, and honor Him! Steadfastly and consistently, let’s fix our eyes on Him (Hebrews 12 v. 2)!
Growing together, inside, and out!
Landes, P.F. Augustine on Romans: Propositions from the Epistle to the Romans Unfinished Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Society of Biblical Literature
Spurgeon Quote: Retrieved from Quote by C.H. Spurgeon: “Have your heart right with Christ, and he will …” (goodreads.com)
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Waters, G.P., Reid, J.N., & Muether, J.R. (2020). Covenant theology: Biblical, theological, and historical perspectives. Article: Adam and the beginning of grace (Currid, J.D). Crossway. Pg 99.
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