“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them.”
Isaiah 11 v. 6
I thought hard and allowed prayer to guide me before I was led to the verse used to direct this week’s discourse. The question on my soul, begs –what leadings do I have embedded in my heart deserving of pronouncement? Worthy of sharing? Available to show the preciousness of Jesus, and not merely focusing on my needs and desires. In daily steps, I continue to view the choices and behavioral patterns of people intimately placed in my life, those I have begun to know, and even those I sometimes recognize I should have taken the opportunity to create meaningful bonds. I am additionally reminded that I must at some level discuss my reticent nature and approach to life as my only protection from the growing and confusing populaces I must unwillingly participate in and with. Therefore, reflections on self—my joys, fears, and longings, and how these relate to my utter dependence on Christ are often imminent in these writings.
On fears:
Friends, I am cautious or almost petrified of:
- Being in the company of narcissists or allowing members of this group into my life.
- Permitting anyone I know most certainly are wisdom-snatchers, to become close to me.
- People who twist God’s Word for their own benefit.
Of course, there are few more of such trying topics. At this moment these are the angsts the world throws at me.
As ideas of the world continue to change, the types of narcissistic directives are likewise, expanding. Let’ consider:
Healthy narcissism: maintaining a healthy level of self-esteem.
Malignant narcissism: holding on to malignant and malicious behavioral patterns.
Grandiose narcissism: displaying arrogance and entitlement as normalcy.
Vulnerable narcissism: extremely shy and hypersensitive personality.
Cerebral narcissism: pretentiousness and condescending conduct.
Spiritual narcissism: someone who abuses others spiritually.
Now, please keep in mind there are several forms of narcissistic personality disorders (NPD). However, it was imperative that I shed light on the most common and damaging sorts. A careful approach to this list may cause one to question his or her own motives and principles of important relationships. Some questions a person may consider are: Do I exude any of those comportments above? Have I hurt others by only thinking of myself? What is my current level of compassion and empathy for the people in my life?
We also know that the narcissist may even be present in our churches. On Isaiah 11 v. 6, in Against Heresies, Irenaeus, who was discipled by Polycarp, who was discipled by the Apostle John, wrote:
“I am aware that some try to refer these [prophecies] to fierce people of diverse nations and of different kinds of behavior, who have believed, and when they have believed have come to agree with the righteous. But although this is now true of various kinds of people who have come from different nations to the one conviction of the faith, nevertheless [it will also be true] in the resurrection of the just with reference to these animals. Against Heresies 5 (pg. 151).
So, what does this all mean? I can only speak from my own experiences based on those chronological fears so bravely exposed above. In deep study, I have become aware that elements of narcissism reside in wisdom-snatchers and in the those who twist God’s Word. We see this displayed in its many forms! But we as Christian women also know the preciousness of Jesus’ life. His teachings and what He has done for us, guides us, strengthens us, and protects us from complete despair, when faced with this personality type.
The Bible has no words to address narcissism.
But it tells us:
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” (2 Timothy 3 vv. 1-17).
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1 v. 7)
Conversely, you may ask, what about loving your neighbor as Jesus instructed? Let us move back to Isaiah 11 v. 6. The prophet expounded on the idea that eventually those through Christian charity will associate with ostensible wolves. And those chosen few who continue to live in darkness, soon will come to be humbled with the complete understanding of what Jesus did for all of us. Jesus’ instructions above, does not mean we must interact with those who continue to bring strife into our lives. However, what we should do instead is pray these people into holy acceptance of this Christian path we are on.
As C. H. Spurgeon wrote:
“Here is a precious truth for thee, believer. Thou mayest be poor, or in suffering, or unknown, but for thine encouragement take a review of thy “calling” and the consequences that flow from it, and especially that blessed result here spoken of. As surely as thou art God’s child today, so surely shall all thy trials soon be at an end, and thou shalt be rich to all the intents of bliss. Wait awhile, and that weary head shall wear the crown of glory, and that hand of labour shall grasp the palm-branch of victory.”
Hooray and hooray, right?! 🙂
Growing together, inside and out!
Bing AI search (May 28th, 2024). Types of narcissists
Irenaeus of Lyons (c.135-c.202, 2014). Against heresies. Beloved publishing LLC.
Spurgeon, C.H. (2014). Morning and evening: Revised edition. Christian Heritage
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserve
All helpful and lovingly delivered cautions, Char.
These are essential for cultivating and practicing our leadings.
Not to mention drawing aside in prayer, even if metaphorically only .
Thank you!
Thank you so much, Susan!