“For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load. Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.”
Galatians 6 vv.3-6
October was a beautiful month. And honestly, I am thankful I took the time away from writing. Reflection sometimes deserves quietude and profound observations. I find both to be best when faced with the need for discernment and decision-making.
Daily I continue to enjoy time spent with God. On Tuesday mornings, 12 women from the church I have chosen to attend meet for the Self-Confrontation Bible study created by the Biblical Counseling Foundation. Although we are only in our seventh week of twenty-four studies, this study has been one of the most incredible, heart-moving, oven-burning, eye-opening, and self-revealing Bible studies I have experienced. As one friend has shared, “Charlotte, it is certainly not fluff.” And I agree.
Partaking in this study has also revealed where my time should be allocated come the year 2023 and beyond. You see, lately, I have felt that a few consulting opportunities were not offered to me based on my spiritual beliefs. And, hey, that’s quite okay with me! I am unwilling to sell my soul, and it is not my job to be concerned that others may feel that I may scorn or rebuke people in the workplace who hold secular belief systems. Opening the Bible to Mark 12 v. 31 could dispel these assumptions. But I can only open the Bible for myself.
Even though it was a decision in April, come autumn 2022, to go full speed in my consultancy work, in some areas, I am. And in other areas, not so much. So, in quiet reflection, I have decided not to write about leadership on my daily-work website. These blogs took too much of my weekly allotted time. In addition, other areas of my work’s website I’ve removed as well to eventually highlight more in research and other pertinent issues of our time. Moving into this vision is not only a matter of personal integrity, but also derives mainly from the question —how I can devote more time to developing this personal website, growing with char-simple graceful living® into what I’d intended in the first place.
A place where common faith is accessible, while growing through sound teachings from sound teachers. A place where no matter the obtainment of degrees or lack of a degree, familial settings, economic status, culture, zip code, hope or lack of hope, and on and on, we understand we are on this journey together. No matter our circumstances, if willing, we’ll grow together.
On Sunday, my best friend and second mom celebrated her 70’ish birthday. In our conversation, I shared with her about the time I spent on Saturday with my granddaughter, Nehemiah. Nehemiah is so precious. And our time of bonding, I believe, was designed by God. She often chuckled in her sleep, which made me chuckle as well. And, right in those moments, I thought then that I no longer have space for anguish in my life.
Before these moments with Nehemiah, I used to question why texts were not responded to, why some chose to ghost me, and why I sometimes felt my knowledge was intrusive or even caused anxiety or deeply engrained animosity from others toward me. I asked myself why I lost bids and why specific parties did not respond to emails. Yes, I used to spend time wondering about the WHYS. But now, with Nehemiah’s beautiful presence in my life, a new beginning has come. One where there’s hope, love, and so much joy. Having her presence in my life replaces all the neglect, irresponsiveness, and friendships that just disappeared from my life, but, yet still, resonate in my soul. And I also remember that I continue to gain more real and trusted friends with one or two friendships lost.
Joy in anything is good, but only if this joy does not open areas where there’s ridiculous competition or foolish pride. As I make decisions concerning my daily work, I also pay attention to the new perspectives choosing to tag along. I likewise feel this way about this website.
I look forward to the many ideas still to take up room in my heart, as I anticipate the joy to come in sharing them.
With love,
Bible references are from the English Standard Version (ESV). Crossway Publishers
Hi Charlotte,
It’s good to have you back. Thank you for sharing from your heart. Looking forward to more reflections.
Thanks so much, Dana!