Cadence 1:
‘Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You. (Jeremiah 32:17 ESV).
A sweet morning cry in my glorious garden was my experience a few weeks ago. You see, in the month of July, seeds of morning glories I’d assume were planted by the service of birds started crawling upon one of the medium-sized shepherd’s hooks I own. Back in July, at first sight of the tiny sprouts, I surmised that the only way the seeds could have gotten there was from the occasional generous service of birds or even squirrels that frequent this gentle space. These critters are personification examples of biting off more than can be chewed, which often happens just in one serving of precious autumn seeds. They take and drop as they move upon their charming ways, preparing to stock up for the winter. The dear behaviors of these creatures of habit!
In other areas of my garden, I purposefully planted a wide variety of morning glory seeds and noticed every heart-shaped leaf as they began to sprout in great enthusiasm. As I watered them each morning, my only thought was that I wished to see blooms before the arrival of our first winter storm in my area of Colorado. I waited, and I waited. About three weeks ago, around 6 am one morning, I stepped out to the patio, and the shepherd’s hook was in full bloom. Honestly, I did not see them coming. One day, they were tiny buds, and the next, beautiful flowers. Tears of joy came over me, and I was so thrilled to experience these very beauties of my sight.

Cadence 2:
In this and many ways, God’s work is before us. He shows up in cognizance of eternal promises in my home life, my works, family, intimate friendships and in friends who struggle, daily thoughts, subtle interactions, unspoken words, and more. There exist moments of mental scuffles and even impatience to see Him work before us no matter our paths in life. These, generously displayed in our fallen human natures. However, the breaths I took that morning of first sight were breaths of faith and thankfulness. Deep breaths, which reminded me that every desire in my heart is known and honored by Him, in His time.
I reflect on these verses:
Now Elijah the Tishbite, of Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.” 2 And the word of the Lord came to him: 3 “Depart from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. 4 You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” 5 So he went and did according to the word of the Lord. He went and lived by the brook Cherith that is east of the Jordan. 6 And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook (1 Kings 17:1-6 ESV).
Here we read that Elijah needed a place to escape from Ahab and the harassing fervor of Jezebel. This time also allowed Elijah to prepare for his first major public assignment. At the brook of Cherith, Elijah understood God’s sweet care for him delivered to those who are eager to do His will. God provided everything that Elijah needed. At God’s commands to the ravens, we see the many possibilities of His speech, through His words, and deliverances, in His actions!
Our God is performative. Time and time again, He continues to show His inherent power in all and who He is- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is sovereign over all things and deal with all things when it is fit for Him to do so. In His created nature, we often witness His power to will, control, change, and deliver in the specific four seasons of the year. We see this in autumn through the splendor of His touch. In our daily lives, it is equally important to note that nothing is too hard for God. Just as He provided for Elijah, He continues to do the same for us.
Cadence 3:
The morning glory seeds, dropped by birds, were the first ones to bloom. They were the ones that fulfilled my hopes of seeing their beauty before the onset of cooler temperatures. The seeds I planted by my own hands, bloomed two weeks later! Yes, God’s hands are in everything. Outside of my continuous faith journey, attempts may be placed upon me to try to influence credulity and daily stance concerning the nature of people and of the things I cannot control. When distractions are apparent, there are times, yes, that I have slightly swooned. But I am quickly conscious of this feeling, and in daily scriptural study, I regain my strength.
Before I saw the first morning glory bloom, I was just a bit distracted the day before. Yet, in view, and in seeing God’s hands in its beauty, my path in faith and obedience so quickly returned. God transcends nature (Psalm 90:2; 102:25-27). God transcends us.
The wind blows heavily and brisk on the early morning I’ve chosen to write this reflection. In fact, it is one of the coolest mornings I’ve experienced in quite a few months. The grass I now see under the rising sun is covered with leaves. Yes, God’s autumn is indeed near. He transcends the four seasons, as He transcends us! How fortunate we are to be delivered His glory, His mercy, His grace.
Hi …read your blog and came away blessed and reminded about the perfect timing of God…even in the small things … birds and seeds and beauty…”The seeds I planted by my own hands, bloomed two weeks later! Yes, God’s hands are in everything. Outside of my continuous faith journey, attempts may be placed upon me to try to influence credulity and daily stance concerning the nature of people and of the things I cannot control.” I see and hear your spirit person and His speaking through you. Honored to be with you a true friend. Much Blessings Always
Hello Albert,
Thanks so much for this comment. May your ministry in Belize continue to be richly blessed.
Beautifully written!! God’s precious providence and provision is delightfully displayed. God you graciously share and show us how much you love us. There is nothing too small or great that you do not take notice of here on earth.
Hello Michelle,
Thanks so much for visiting this gentle space. Indeed! God knows all and He sees all.
This is wonderfully written. Everything we do is guided by God, through God’s words and promise. We all have to be mindful of our actions, thoughts and words.
Keep up the great work you’re doing!
Hi Erica,
Thanks so much for your visit to my website!
Indeed! God guides us in all things. Being mindful in our actions and words are how we honor Him.