I awoke this morning with welcoming silence. The noisy car in my neighborhood is still sleeping. All the rain of the past weekend, makes it a prettier car. A cleaner car. But man, I know the noise this car makes. Yikes! It’s beautiful on the outside, but the inside of this car brings me such grief. Sigh…
Relating to recent external experiences, I do not have much to share this week. My work is massive right now and managing everything before me is a bit difficult. But when I write what’s on my heart, I find balance. Written expressions always bring me to Jesus. I’m fortunate.
This morning in this quiet, I think of someone I know. A dear someone. A kind someone. Someone I still want to get to know.
Constructed on these thoughts, while guided by Jesus’ caring and loving ways, I share this simple poem with you. Jesus sits with me, as I wait in…
His Coffee Shop
A quiet coffee shop and meaningful conversation.
Conversation not to declare knowledge.
And, instead to get to know.
To know, not big words or an antiquated word like oblectation.
But the meaning of oblectation would be nice.
It means “to act of pleasing highly; the state of being greatly
pleased; delight.”
I delight in the idea of the meanings and not the words themselves.
I delight in the getting to know, as thunder raises the intimacy of the heart.
While rain beats down on the roof above.
To notice surroundings.
The sound of a baby’s squeal, the smell of chocolate in
The idea of the trust, the faith of many.
The unmasked days of something better.
To produce the fullness and grace of the gospel in speech, in actions, and in laughter.
To see the Types of the Old Testament in the New.
To see them work in me, and in thee.
To enter into God’s presence through the incarnation of Christ, who opened the way.
Like the veil hanging between the holy place and God the Holiest (Exodus 26:33).
Jesus, the Light then, and still the glorious Light of today
Our peaceful privilege on this day.
No desertion, for instead
Favors of preparation
A growing friendship’s, redemption?
“The redeemed of the Lord says so.” (Psalm 107:2)
In absence I have learned so much more
Absence granted completion
Completion and reconciliation
Christ delivers and He directs (Romans 5:11)
Within, never premeditated neglect
In the coffee shop, I reflect
In the coffee shop I wait,
In His coffee shop,
I wait with faith.
When I first read this reflection, I was in one of the many darker places provided by the pandemic. On rereading, I find hope that I sometimes want not to think of.
Daily I receive a message of Pope Francis, exhorting me to hope in Jesus ministering to us today. Francis assured that is the birthright of everyone.
Humble intimacy surely nourishes my deepest, long-standing needs. The Holy Spirit is closer than my breath, if only I allow it to be!
Hello Susan,
Such beautiful remarks.
This simple poem is just that. One that came up for me in the early morning of creation. I am happy you took the time to read it.