January 6th, 2021
A few days ago, I received the news that within the next eight weeks I could possibly be finished with studies related to academia. Of course, this does not mean I do not have other classes in the works. One specifically, is learning how to effectively use a lathe, in order to finish a wooden bowl, I started about six months ago. Plus, the spiritual writing class I am creating, and tons of other workshops to teach at the resilient-life center, my ministry co-founded. Yes, loads of items in the works, but most of all I am excited to finally have some time back.
My birthday this March, will probably be one of the most appreciated, since I began the doctoral journey. As I look back, in the past seven or so years, many birthdays were spent researching, writing, and editing. They were simply just another day as I remained tasks driven to finally hear… just about eight more weeks. This journey has been disappointing, heart-warming, and tough. Yet, I prevailed with a study highlighting community resilience based on one of the most unexpected tragedies, which occurred less than 20 minutes from my home.
So today, I chose to reflect on the theory of attention destiny, mostly called the theory of attention. However, in my case, I use the words attention destiny, based on articles I have studied, and evidence produced. One article written by Rising-Vibe.com stated that attention density influences character. It continued to say that constant focus, and dedicated attention are advantageous to consistent personal growth. Simply put, success is all about changing cognitive beliefs and daily habits. However, it is equally vital to apply self-awareness to the mix.
Preconceptions are often dormant. Paying attention to something or someone adds new life to this dormancy. In this process, so much, more is revealed than what was originally perceived. Paying attention changes the social status of thought, subjective well-being, builds strong and concrete relationships, and offer overall life fulfillment. This evolutionary method is indeed an important aspect of earthly survival. To achievement, it is important to reflect on what part attention destiny holds in our daily lives. Conceptual questions such as… what are we giving our attention to? Who, where, and of course the deeper question of why?… are most urgent.
He who gives attention to the word will find good,
And blessed is he who trusts in the Lord. -Proverbs 16:20
The eight-week time frame I waited for, could not have been possible without Jesus in my life. When I began the journey toward the highest academia, it was imperative I established my own attention destiny to the one and only person who could keep the light burning for me. The triad consisting of the God head, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. God as my guide, Jesus as my focus, and Holy Spirit to teach me, especially on those days I wanted to say, “this is for the birds”. Yet, in realization, I also knew God made the birds. Therefore, His hands were/are in every part of the journey.
As I move closer to the end of this significant season in my life, I am hopeful. Though, I am bit nervous, based on all I must do with this newfound achievement, I know also that I am a humble person. This characteristic alone has kept my feet on the ground, and my eyes to the sky. I believe there is so much more in life than the chaos we sometimes see or even experience. Consequently, as the primary outcome of this reflection, I say to you…re-evaluate your attention. If something is not working for you, pray to God, and wait for His guidance.
Give ear and hear my voice,
Listen and hear my words. – Isaiah 28:23
Focus on God is absolute power. This should always be the targeted approach, especially as we move into this New Year!
Happy New Year!
Charlotte what a beautiful and timely message! I didn’t know I needed it until I read it! In our busy lives, it isn’t easy to devote attention to any one thing for long. Yet I know you’re right, for growth to happen, we need to be able to do that. It’s not just presence, but devoted attention too. I stand in awe as witness to your growth in your journey. It is also not lost on me the resilience you have had in studying the subject of resilience! Well done and in 8 weeks I shall be congratulating you officially! And here’s to a proper birthday celebration this year!
Thanks so much for this thoughtful comment. Your friendship has helped to deliver me through some of the most trying times in the last few years. I appreciate you.